My eyes open extra early when camping. Maybe it’s nature- her gentle symphony calling for my rise, the light breeze kissing my tent, and the chirps welcoming the sun. The sound of stillness, my salvation. A disconnect from the hustle, my jam.
Or maybe it’s the bold chipmunk digging for treasure in my backpack.
Either way, 5:30am is my new 7am, and my first thought is COFFEE.
Coffee is a camping staple, and I swear its preparation while in the wild is comparable to the Seven Wonders of the World. When camping in the winter, it warms our bones and translates to hygge. (Look it up. You won’t be disappointed.) In the warmer months, it grants a kind joy that makes waking up a little sweaty feel like an initiation.
Here, with your holy libation, you can sit in a circle with friends and share a blissful zing. You can deep dive into family storytelling, while noticing a beautiful reconnection in progress. You can compose your poetry and admire the morning calm. Maybe a raven attends your solo spoken word. Turning off the world has never felt so easy. And let’s not forget that nighttime decaf that complements the delectable s’mores and glowing campfire.
However it serves your soul, I think we can all agree that camping with coffee is both a sacred practice and a necessary tradition.
While there are many methods, I prefer to create my camping cup of joe with my handy jetboil and French press. Here is my process:
First, I boil my purified water in my jetboil. While it’s boiling, I usually raise my arms and sway my hips with anticipation.
Then, I grab my chocolatey Dark Heart small batch specialty coffee grounds (p.s. for the love of coffee, please have a Dark Heart barista grind your coffee). I select my level of preferred caffeination and place the grounds in my French press.
After my water is piping hot, I let her sit for 1 minute before pouring into my French press. After the sacred pour, I let my bean juice brew for a good 4 minutes.
While waiting, I rock hunt, rub sagebrush on my hands and weird out my partner, or talk with birds like they are my cousins.
The 4 minutes are up, I press the plunger down, and I alert my partner with immense elation- imagine the short ring timer in your Grandma’s kitchen.
We almost overflow our Dark Heart mugs, and before taking my first sip, I stop to smell my masterpiece. I hold the warmth on my tongue, and I make sure to simultaneously admire my surroundings.
We camp to retreat. And we retreat to find peace. Nature heals us, living out of a smaller space inspires us, and we locate the home within ourselves. Life is really that simple. And coffee only adds magic to the here and now recipe.
I’ll leave you with a quote from Jedidiah Jenkins’ Like Streams to the Ocean, a perfect book to bring on your next revitalizing adventure: “I love sludgy cowboy coffee, sipped around a morning campfire. Or even instant coffee put in boiling water. The way you wake up in the air chilled by the night, and for once, your life has a clear and unconfused direction: Make coffee.”
Now that’s the good stuff.
Go forth and awaken your inner romantic. Grab your tent and stop by Dark Heart before getting lost on purpose.
Stop in for your Dark Heart camping goodies. Grab our signature specialty coffee, a travel pour over kit, a s’mores kit (okay let’s be real, grab two), a Dark Heart insulated tumbler, and a cozy Dark Heart sweatshirt.
Do you camp with Dark Heart? Tag us! We would love to share you and your adventures!