I’m excited to introduce you to a Dark Heart local and very talented writer, Kelly Pollard. Kelly writes young adult novels about finding your people, pursuing your passions, and most of all, discovering your authentic self.
I met Kelly at a Dark Heart Women Writers Club*, and I'm thrilled to share her writing, publishing, and Dark Heart sippin' story with you.
Let's get it!
When did you first know you wanted to become an author?
I wrote fictional stories throughout my elementary school years, and I distinctly remember wanting to become an author when I was 11 years old. As embarrassing as this is to admit, I would ask my 5th grade teacher if I could read some of my writing aloud to the class. If only I still contained that level of confidence, I’d be a dozen books into my career by now.
Which book(s) or author(s) inspired you as a child?
When I eventually narrowed in on contemporary YA, I gathered a lot of inspiration from Sarah Dessen. I quickly devoured her entire collection and bought her new books on the days they were released. For those familiar with her writing, it’s easy to pick up on the similarities in style between her work and Shattered Streams.
Which book(s) or author(s) currently inspire you and/or your writing?
More recently, I’ve been inspired by Veronica Roth and her journey as an author. Anyone can see she has a brilliant mind—she wrote a majority of her debut novel and longtime bestseller, Divergent, over a 40-day break during her senior year in college—but I’m more impressed by her range in genre and story length. She continuously challenges herself, and the growth is evident in her writing. Her success across various categories speaks to her genius as an author.
Where were you when the idea for Shattered Streams arose?
The initial idea of Shattered Streams came to me back in my high school days, although I kept putting it aside to focus on school and other pursuits. It didn’t have a clear outline until years later when I graduated from college and moved overseas, but it just goes to show that it’s never too late to pull an idea from the shelf, dust it off, and see what comes of it.
Tell us about Shattered Streams!
How long did it take you to write Shattered Streams?
As I mentioned, I had the idea for Shattered Streams long before I dedicated myself to the process. It took a decade from conception to publication, allowing for many years of downtime and months between each draft. No one pursues writing for the paycheck, so I try not to beat myself up for not producing at a more consistent rate. At this point in my writing journey, I’d rather enjoy the process and my work-life balance than beat myself up over what I “should” be doing with my hobby.
What surprised/ shocked you about the publishing process?
A book needs to go through countless—and I truly mean countless—iterations before publication. I can’t tell you how many versions Shattered Streams endured, but I’m thankful for each one of them. I’m just not sure if knowing this now will help or hurt when writing my next manuscript—it’s so exciting to finish a first draft, but then again that’s only halfway done.
What makes Dark Heart a special place to write and create from?
Dark Heart has such a unique atmosphere. I love the quaint space, moody color scheme, and the fact that I can order coffee, kombucha, or alcohol depending on my disposition. Also their merch is super soft, which is a plus.
Which is your favorite Dark Heart delight and why?
I tend to keep it fairly simple. Give me an oat milk latte and I’m happy. However, I did eye a dairy-free cheesecake on display and have been thinking about it ever since, so I think I’m overdue for my next visit.
Which beverages would your main characters order and why?
There’s a lot of pressure on this answer because my characters all hang out at a smoothie shop, so when it comes to drinks, they know what’s up! Let’s start with Avery. She definitely enjoys her iced coffees, so she’d probably order the nitro cold brew on tap (I haven’t tried that one yet, but now I feel obligated to tap into my inner Avery and experience what she would drink at Dark Heart). Next there’s Jay—despite owning the smoothie shop and being creative with ingredients, I would imagine he’d opt for an Americano. Raymond would go for a mocha, or perhaps a smokey mocha if he’s feeling extra spicy that day. Jen would order the honey latte with house made nut milk. After going back and forth on her decision, Bristol would land on the kombucha because you can never go wrong with kombucha. And finally, Dalton would get the drinking chocolate, hands down—he’s a kid at heart.
When you are not writing, what do you like to do?
I love trying new things, so the answer to this question is always changing! Recently, I’ve done a few climbing and bowling leagues. I enjoy pickleball and staying active. I’m an avid traveler and even wrote a majority of Shattered Streams while living in New Zealand, so I’m always looking for my next new adventure.
What is next for you, in writing and in life?
Since publishing Shattered Streams, I’ve given myself a writing hiatus. However, now that the weather is starting to change and winter is around the corner, I’m eager to implement new writing habits in hopes of pursuing another coming-of-age romance or dystopian novel. But more so, I’m just looking forward to a slower season to spend quality time with loved ones and enjoy the little things in life.
If a nervous creative asked you for publishing advice, what would you share?
First and foremost, I’d recommend working with Quill and Quality if someone is interested in self-publishing. Ethan and Stacey were both incredibly knowledgeable, patient, and simplified the entire process for me. Outside of that, I’d urge writers to reflect on why they want to publish in the first place, as the answer can help them navigate through the process. For me, it had always been my dream to publish, and I wanted my friends and family to be able to read my book. With that in mind, this journey was more personal than it was for earning a profit, making it onto bestsellers lists, and getting my name out there. Would that be a goal someday? Sure! But for now, I knew publishing Shattered Streams was mostly for me, and therefore the decisions I made around the cover design, time of year it was released, and marketing weren’t make or break. I’m excited to go a little bigger next time, and even bigger the time after that. Ultimately, understanding the reason behind your route—the passion behind your pursuit—can make the process a lot more enjoyable.
We adore you, Kelly!
You can follow Kelly on Instagram here, and snag a copy of her debut novel here.
*Interested in joining our next Dark Heart Women Writers Club? Email us at dhwwriters@gmail.com!