Meet Grace Upon Grace Project: We Belong To Each Other

Meet Grace Upon Grace Project: We Belong To Each Other

Our Meet the Humans of Dark Heart series features the incredible humans of Dark Heart. Explore their heart, dreams, goals, and more. Next time you visit Dark Heart, order their drink, and invite the waves of inspiration to move through you!

So, let’s meet the incredible Grace Upon Grace Project!

Who is Grace Upon Grace Project, and who do you serve?

We are a grassroots non-profit located in Northern Colorado, and we provide people with diapers, wipes, and period products to live and grow with grace and dignity while addressing the roots of social inequities.

What and/or who influenced the development of your incredible organization? We would love to know your history! 

Our founder, Emily Jorgensen, has a servant heart and has organized emergency drives in the past. That, combined with a personal experience with an unexpected period while traveling internationally, planted the seed; she was inspired to start what is now called, Grace Upon Grace Project.

Tell us about your powerful and much needed programs and kits. 

Our direct to client option allow those in need to receive products on a monthly basis. No qualifications are needed. Just sign up for what you need, arrive on distribution day, and we will load up your vehicle for you. 

Each child will receive 100 diapers and approximately 150-200 wipes.

Each period kit is customized per order. We recognize that every need is different when it comes to a period, so allowing our clients to customize their kits gives them equitable access to those products they truly need.

Partner Organization Emergency Kits: Partner agencies sign up to receive diaper and/or period emergency kits. This allows the agency to distribute directly to their clients as needed. These partner agencies are our connection to community members that can’t necessarily get to us or to those individuals that find themselves in an emergency situation.

Confident Period Program is providing period products to middle schools and high schools in 3 NOCO school districts. This allows students to go to the nurse’s office/health aid and receive a period product as needed. The long-term goal of this program is to help schools create a program that provides period products in the school bathrooms. We feel that having access to period products in a school bathroom is essential for students.

What is Grace Upon Grace Project's greatest dream? 

Our greatest dream is to not be in business... but since that isn't likely, our dream is to support people exactly where they are at. We are passionate about access, education, policy reform, and community involvement. 

Do you have a memory that lives in your heart and fuels your Grace Upon Grace purpose? If so, please share.

Memories and the impact we have will always live in us. I don’t have one specific memory, but the stories shared with us come from teachers, single moms, single dads, individuals experiencing homelessness, members of our community that have fled domestic violence, and those stuck in this cycle of poverty- not because they want to be, but because it is so incredibly hard to break with the cost of living being so extremely high.

Our clients are not just clients anymore- they have become part of our GUGP family, and their stories will continue to fuel us. We have heard stories of hardship, but we have also heard stories of overcoming those hardships. Sometimes people in our community need to know that somebody cares and is willing to show up for them and rooting for them, and the diapers and period products offer a way to do that while meeting a basic need.

We've seen you at Dark Heart, doing your incredible, behind the scenes magic. What makes Dark Heart a special place to work? 

We love working with and at locally owned businesses. Dark Heart's atmosphere, products, and heart for your community resonate in your space and everything you do. 

Which Dark Heart beverage do you enjoy while working on all things Grace Upon Grace?

I don’t remember the exact name. It is the bourbon one with the salt sprinkled on top. It is absolutely divine. 

How can Lovelanders and beyond get involved with Grace Upon Grace?

There are several ways to get involved with Grace Upon Grace Project: Start by following us on social media (our Facebook and Instagram are at the bottom of this article). Also, check out our website to get to know us and the different ways to get involved, such as volunteering, making financial donations, product donations, sponsoring product drives, and/or becoming a partner organization.

Do you have community resources to share with our readers?

This is the link that can also be found on our website regarding other resources in the community.

Anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Since opening our doors, we have distributed over 100,000 diapers, and 50,000 period products. Although, those are great numbers, I think it is more about what those products mean to our clients. It means being able to provide more food for their families, putting gas in their car, and being able to attend school or work. The products represent hope and dignity.

And finally, if Grace Upon Grace Project were a quote, then what quote would your powerful organization be?

“We belong to each other.”


Connect with Grace Upon Grace Project now:

Instagram: @graceupongraceproject




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